List of required Android skills - a follow up

So it has been a month since I first blogged about the skills I thought I needed to consider myself a decent Android programmer. 
So here is the list reposted along with updates of how I am doing along with some new additions.

Build arbitrarly complex layouts 
- this is a bit vague. I can certainly build more complex layouts now than I could a month ago, but I would not say that I find this stuff easy yet. Probably just need more practice. 

Services Bound service and a started service
- have done both of these since the original post. A tricky subject, but I think I have it down as well as I need it for now.

Broadcast receivers Create own (with custom broadcast) and Respond to a system one
- Both of these are done. Have written a few broadcast receivers of my own and have an app in the market which responds to the rebooted broadcast from Android.

- This has always been a strongpoint for me. Nothing more required really. 

Shared preferences
- Done.

Intents Create an intent filter
-Not done yet. I need to get on top of this - its a key component of the Android system.

Content providers
-Not yet, but the reason is that none of the apps I have developed have leant themselves to this. I reckon it if  I don't know what this is I will never know where to use it, so time to take the leap with this.

Threads Use Thread class
Use Async Class
- Both done.

Performance management Use of traceview
- Have tried this out, but not used it in anger. 

Action bar Use the action bar (on emulator only maybe)
- Not yet, but I don't have a tablet yet either :( Reckon I will leave this were it is for the moment.

Compatibility library Get understanding of all functionality in this
-Not done.

Notifications Status bar and Toast

- Although this is a complex beast I reckon I know enough to do whatever I want without making any performance killer mistakes.

Custom Compenents Demonstrate familiarity with all methods of doing this
Come up with a useful one and publish it
- I have done some work on custom components and am happy that I can build them when needed. A fairly advanced topic, but I reckon I am up to it at this stage :)

Styles and themes How to make own
How to inherit from or just use the platform ones
-I am fine with these for now. 

Dialogs Ability to create all types
- Fine

- Done. A nice library even if it is a bit limited before property animation.

Manifest Understand all tags
- Reckon I have enough of this for now.

Media Playing music and video
- Done

- Yep

- Not yet. Current app may present an opportunity to do this. 

- Looked into this, but my apps so far have not had anything to search for! An important feature in many apps, so I should get to this at some stage before a client asks me...

- Need to get a better handle on this. I think when I first approached this it was reliant on too many aspects of the platform that I did not know about. This should not be the case now. Another swing needed I think.

- Mostly done, but a quick check that they have not added anything sneaky in the last month or so.

- I use html web pages for all of my help files. Works well and I don't think there is anything else in this for me at the moment.

New stuff which I have added since last month:

Use of the canvas to draw graphics directly on screen.

- Done

- Done

Creating attractive images with vector tools.
- I have done a lot of work on this, but have a long way to go. Tons of practice required I reckon.

- Done


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