The blog word counter progresses
So I made some good progress today. Got the first revision of the blog word counter (doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it? But considering that mine will probably be the only tongue that it rolls off, that really doesn't matter :)) up onto google code
At this stage it is a command line java program that relies on a few google jars. It asks you for your credentials when you log on and then goes through all of your blog posts from the previous 24 hours and adds up the words. You end up with a total word count for your blatherings for the previous day. Handy.
The google code source control system is very easy to use an provides all of the features that a budding open source could desire. But then again I will probably be the only person to work on this one, so that does not really matter either. I was just trying to get a feel for how all of this stuff worked.
At this stage it is a command line java program that relies on a few google jars. It asks you for your credentials when you log on and then goes through all of your blog posts from the previous 24 hours and adds up the words. You end up with a total word count for your blatherings for the previous day. Handy.
The google code source control system is very easy to use an provides all of the features that a budding open source could desire. But then again I will probably be the only person to work on this one, so that does not really matter either. I was just trying to get a feel for how all of this stuff worked.
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