First day and how I got here

I am going to teach myself to program Android devices.
Have always wanted to program mobile stuff, but have not made a decent job of it yet.

I got a Dell Axim PDA a good few years ago now. Tried to program this. Not much success I'm afraid. My VB was rusty and the JVMs that I could get for it were not great. Gave up and ended up using that as an expensive to do list. I waited patiently for java to do what it was originally meant to and work on appliances (like phones and TVs).

I had a Java enabled Nokia phone then. A 6300. A pretty good phone if a little old school. Wrote some midlets for it. Misery. Was like programming with my hands tied behind my back. Very fiddly API. Overly restrictive security policies on the phones etc. There was no real likelihood that I would every be able to write something even vaguely commercial for that thing. So I gave up and just used that as a phone.

I got an HTC desire about a month ago with the intention of programming it. It is a very nice phone. By far the best I have had. Have started mucking about with the programming model and it is not too difficult at all. I have a ways to go, but it should be fun. As a lifelong nerd I am always thinking up silly apps that I could write. If nothing  else I can start to write these apps for myself now.


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